Monday, January 18, 2016


          In my high school environment you are encouraged and almost forced to be involved. For a student like me who grasps on to opportunities like pieces of gold, I get wrapped into a lot. Currently I'm involved in robotics, service club, student council, civics club, debate team, and indoor track. I get a bit overwhelmed at times. Last week when I was sick I missed so much that I was afraid to check my email for the entire weekend. Juggling multitudes of activities takes a lot of endurance and tenacity. On this day in particular, we celebrate a person who had both of those qualities. Martin Luther King Jr., from what I've heard, was not one to back down, and kept fighting for a while. The guy was passionate and had a lot of stamina. It's ironic that I juggle a ton of activities and talk about stamina and then run competitively. I've done a wide range of sports in my lifetime, ranging from soccer and basketball to surfing and alpine skiing, so I know about stamina. Running, in my opinion takes the most stamina out of all typical high school sports. However, the stamina it takes to run five miles is much easier to find than the stamina it takes to write a research paper, or study for three hours. Running is just good practice for the stress you go through when you are doing things difficult for a long period of time. Running also helps me come up with metal excuses to push myself further. For example, I might tell myself that I only have a mile left and most of it's downhill, or I'm halfway there and still doing alright. Sometimes I play similar mental games with myself when studying or writing a paper. I'm halfway there, or the tough part is over, I'll say. It really does work for met. Another thing I'll do is think about how everything good I do now will positively impact my future. For example, I have a Spanish midterm coming up, and although I don't want to be bilingual or teach foreign languages, I tell myself if I do well in Spanish I have another thing to differentiate me from the rest of future college applicants. It is also for the same reason that I play the trumpet or go to service club meetings. It is not like all I want to do is go to a prestigious school and work forty hour weeks for the rest of my life, I also strive for a particular goal. Me and my sister have decided to live in and make it in New York City. Not only is New York diverse and full of great restaurants and people, it is a challenge and I live for challenges. So I guess if I'm to say one great way to have everlasting stamina and endurance, it would be to have a deep longing or desire, and then tie everything you do into that one goal. Just make sure your goal is big enough that you will have to really work for it, but still attainable. A good goal, when reached, must keep you happy for a while afterwards as well. For example, winning a race is great, but that trophy will be dusty adventually. Raising children will supply you with ups, downs, and new adventures to last you your entire lifetime. Just think long and hard for what you want, and don't panic if you can't think of it right away. Maybe you just need to do a bit more searching.  

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