Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tests 101 continued

           This is a continuation of the blog on tests. Yesterday I talked more about what to do before and after the test. Today I will talk about an issue that is often never spoken about. The moment of the great reveal. The second your teacher hands you your graded test, or posts your grade online. This moment is usually dreaded, yet can never come too soon. Recently I received a much awaited grade. No I did not get my english midterm back, but I did get my science grade from a test last Friday. Our science teacher usually puts in our grade only a few hours after we take the test. Sometimes we even see him grade the tests while some students are still finishing it. Watching him grade is terrifying. I hate watching people read or grade my work. I just get very anxious about what they will think. He grades like it's a race. I've seen him grade a paper in under ten seconds. If that's not scary, I don't know what is ;). Of course for this test he took his time entering our grades. I find that before are teacher grades an assignment two groups of students emerge. The first group, is of students who check their grade portal every three seconds, and all they talk about is the test. One of my friends belongs to that group, and if we are waiting for a grade she will text me everyday asking if I know mine yet. The second group consists of people like me. Those people who completely ignore anything related to the test they have just taken, until they have to face reality. I tend to completely put anything that is bothering me, out of my head. Whenever someone mentions a test that I've just taken I sort of go into autopilot and let them talk for a while. So back to the science grade, of course as soon as I get my grade my friend's texting me and asking how I did. The test was out of 85 points, so I send her how many points I got out of 85. Just to be cruel, I didn't specify whether it was the percentage grade (out of 100) or the numerical grade (out of 85). My friend went to the lengths of tracking me down during my math class (by the way, I think she had a class during the period too) to ask me to specify because my phone was off during class. Her and I have a very competitive relationship. As in, bragging rights are our currency between each other. We get extremely competitive about grades (usually I win ;) ). Thus, she needed to know whether to celebrate or completely ignore me for a full twenty four hours. Let's just say, she and I have fallen out of communication for a while ;). When it comes to waiting for a test grade, it depends on what kind of person you are. Maybe you hate thinking about grades and that's just fine as long as you reach out for help if you are struggling. There are always people to help, and some people even enjoy helping (I know weird right?). You'll feel better after you address issues. If you are not having issues with grades then feel free to forget about it for a while. It really helps reduce your stress. If you find comfort in constantly worrying about things, I may not understand you, but I know that works for some people.  Most importantly don't over stress. You can still go to college if you have one bad grade in math. Your parents will still love you if you bomb a history quiz. The earth will orbit the sun, even if you fail French (it's a true fact). For those of you who excessively rub your perfect grades in your friend's faces, please remember that you could easily be in their position. Yes it's ok to brag a little, but constantly bringing your friends down will leave you with no friends.

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